Friday, March 20, 2015

Star Wars Episode VII and Star Wars: Rogue One

  Hello fellow star wars fans, and welcome back to Star Wars Central!  Lucasfilm has recently announced their two upcoming star wars movies: an untitled Episode VII movie and a new standalone movie called Star Wars: Rogue One.  Although Lucasfilm hasn't really given us much detail on these two films, we do know that Episode VII is directed by Rian Johnson, and Rogue is about the leader of Rogue Squadron (obviously).  Anyways, thats all for this post.  I will post more about these two movies when more details about these movies are released.  Until then, what movie are you more exited about: Star Wars: Episode VII, or Star Wars: Rogue One?  Put your answer down in the comment section below.

Star Wars: Rogue One concept art

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Star Wars Monthly News

  Hello fellow star wars fans, and welcome to Star Wars Central!  A lot has happened these past few weeks, with the return of two old characters:

  First off, the season finale for Star Wars: Rebels on Disney XD, premiered not too long ago, with two special guest stars: Darth Vader and Ashoka Tano!  It has been stated that the mysterious Fulcrum is Ashoka Tano, the first leader of the rebellion.  As we can see, Ashoka has obviously aged since the last time we saw her in the previous show, Star Wars: the Clone Wars.  Although, there has been some changes to her design, such as different facial tattoos, and two new white lightsabers instead of green ones.  It is not stated yet if she will become one of the main characters of the show, but I am certain that she will be making minor appearances in each episode.  Now with the death of one of the shows main antagonists, the Inquisitor, now comes a new villain that we all know too well, Darth Vader!  Now, it isn't told yet if he will also become a main character on the show, but just like Ashoka, he will probably make minor appearances in each episode.

Darth Vader appearing in the season finale of Star Wars: Rebels
star wars rebels season 1 finale vader Star Wars Rebels Showrunner Talks Season 2, Darth Vaders Role & More

Ashoka Tano appearing in the season finale of Star Wars: Rebels
star wars rebels season 1 finale ahsoka Star Wars Rebels Showrunner Talks Season 2, Darth Vaders Role & More

Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) and Ashoka Tano appearing in Star Wars: the Clone Wars
Ahsoka Tano Anakin Skywalker Star Wars The Clone Wars Star Wars Rebels Showrunner Talks Season 2, Darth Vaders Role & More