Friday, June 5, 2015

Star Wars Monthly News: New Star Wars Battlefront game info

  As you all know, the upcoming reboot of our beloved Star Warts Battlefront series is coming up, and DICE has revealed some things that we will see in the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront.

No Campaign!

Thats right!  DICE wants to focus entirely on multiplayer than focusing on a good story.

Original Trilogy DLC!

By the time the new DLC comes out, almost all of us have all probably seen the new movie, and I'm all for the Original Trilogy, but I think that they should make the DLC about the New Trilogy or even the Prequel Trilogy, and not just focus mainly on the Original Trilogy and the New Trilogy.

No Space Combat!

Now I know alot of you guys want there to be space battles in the new SWB game, but sadly, DICE has decided not to add it in there, I'm not entirely sure why, but I do know that they may give you the chance to fly ships around the ground maps, so at least thats something.

1st and 3rd person views!

SWB will give you the option to switch to either beloved 3rd person mode, or more modern first-person shooter games 1st person view.  This way players can play they way they like.

Less Maps!

As the original SWB games had over 20 different maps, the new SWB will have 8 maps, with more coming from the DLC packs.

And that is some things you guys will see in the upcoming new Star Wars game, Star Wars Battlefront.  Be aware though that these aren't all the things that will be in SWB, and they may eventually change some of these, but for the time being, this all is staying.  So what do you guys think, are you looking forward to the game, not? Comment in the comment section below.  Until next time, may the force be with you!

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